The new Wonderful World of Animation show is scheduled to debut on May 1, 2019 at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The show, which will replace the Disney Movie Magic projection show prior to Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular, will celebrate Disney animation from across the last 90 years.
Disney offered a quick behind-the-scenes look at the show that will use projections, lasers, lights, fire and some fireworks to tell its story.
This looks like an enhanced, upgraded and animated version of the Disney Movie Magic show that leads guests into the Star Wars nighttime spectacular. Dedicated entirely to Disney’s animated collection, guests should expect to see lots of familiar faces, songs and of course a good dose of Pixar.
While we enjoyed the Disney Movie Magic show, it did feel a bit pieced together and a bit lacking with its overall punch and message. This show should feel a bit more complete with the addition of lasers, fires and light pyro.
You can watch the “Wonderful World of Animation” at Hollywood Studios beginning on May 1, 2019 as the park continues to celebrate its 30th anniversary.