A stage show is finally returning to the Animation Courtyard theatre at Disney’s Hollywood Studios! The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure is a reimagined version of the previous ‘Little Mermaid’ stage show, and will debut in a “refreshed” Animation Courtyard theatre in fall 2024.
Via the Disney Parks Blog:
When it opens, the show will feature stunning new set pieces, cutting-edge effects, and a bold new design that captures Ariel’s imagination and emotions through her unique view of the world around her.
“The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure” will have guests flipping their fins to musical numbers inspired by the film including “Part of Your World,” “Poor Unfortunate Souls,” and more. Check out this beautiful concept artwork of the show’s “Kiss the Girl” scene – an all-new addition that captures the magic of this fresh production.
Disney notes that construction is already underway in the theatre. More details will be released about the refreshed theatre and the new show as we get closer to fall 2024.
The return of a ‘Little Mermaid’ show in 2024 is a welcome return after the old version closed its doors in 2020, and never reopened when Disney welcomed guests back to its parks. Disney’s Hollywood Studios has relatively few attractions and leans heavily on its theatre shows to keep guests entertained.
The ‘Little Mermaid’ theatre sitting empty for so long has been a notable absence, and we’re glad guests will be able to enjoy a stage show here once more.